To join our waitlist, kindly go to the OpenTable App and set an alert for the date and time you're requesting. The OpenTable App download may be required.
![Banner image](/assets/reserve-page-images/Nobu-Reservations-1.jpg)
If you decide to purchase a dessert, the dessert will be served with a candle. Special Cake can be made; 72hrs notice required.
Credit card required to hold table for a party of 5 or more.
You have until the day before to cancel. If you cancel or no show on the day of, it is a $25.00 charge per person.
Walk Ins are welcome but Reservation is strongly advised Sushi Bar and Bar/Lounge available an walk - ins basis.You will need to get your name on the in-house waitlist upon arrival.
4525 Collins Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33140